
DMB Games Game Tile System

Created by DMB Games

What is the DMB Game Tile System? The DMB Game Tile System is a Modular system that allows you to build anything from single encounters to sprawling tabletop scenes. The system is designed to be used for any game you want to play from Dungeons & Dragons to Frostgrave, Warhammer and beyond. The Tiles are Fully Modular, with the walls and floor separate from each other so you can create any layout you want to. They are available hand painted, finished, and felted by our studio painters or if you prefer they are available unpainted as well.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update - Fulfillment and Feedback Wanted.
over 5 years ago – Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 10:24:25 PM

Hello Everyone,

This isn't an update I particularly wanted to write, as it makes me feel like I have failed you all. 

This update isn't all doom and gloom, but I wanted to send an honest and open update to everyone with my thoughts and feelings about where we are with the Kickstarter. 

It is a rather long wordy update but please read through the whole thing as I really need your help deciding what to do.  


It’s taking a lot longer to fulfil the Kickstarter than i ever imagined it would. This is due to a few factors:  

1) Time to cast almost 18,000 individual tiles and accessories.  

This was a huge underestimate on my behalf, the mould making, and casting times are so much more than I originally thought.  

2) Time to paint about 17,000 of those pieces  

Again, my fault, I have never had to paint that may pieces before and I hadn't accounted for the extra time with having thousands of pieces at once being painted and going through a 5 or in some cases with the jade and the Asylum 13 stages.  

I have only painted what I needed to paint for orders as they came in or 5-10 sets for show stock before. The Kickstarter opened a lot of new pieces that I haven't painted before, and that are either small and fiddly to paint or just take time to between layers to dry. Long and short of it, I totally miscalculated the amount of time it takes to hand paint that amount.  

3) Getting the right pledge content together to send full pledges at the same time.  

I made the decision that the large pieces should be cast first as they take the most time to be cast, but I hadn't taken in to account that 65% of the pledges need the accessory sets and the pillar sets and all the other smaller pieces to dispatch them. Its only now that I am realising that wasn't the best way to do it, and while the casters are doing their best to switch tracks and get their moulds pushed through and have things made, it takes time for the process to be complete, and then they need to cast hundreds of grain sacks and coin piles to get the pieces to me.  

I didn't take in to account the logistics of collating all the orders, and that has lead to a delay in fulfilling the Kickstarter. Now there is no doubt that we will finish the Kickstarter or that anyone is going to be left without their tiles, I’m working 12-14 hour days 6 and sometimes 7 days a week.

I have a bunch of awesome folk helping me with spraying, painting, quick shading, felting and packaging, so the Kickstarter Isn't failing in that respect, and it won’t either, and we will be sending out our first pledged next week, and there is a chunk (10-15) to go, then there are another 20-30 waiting for pillar and accessory sets to send as well.

The Crux of the Issue, and the effect of the KS Fulfilment being delayed The real issue is outside of the Kickstarter. I haven't sold anything other than Kickstarter pledges since the KS went live. So that's nearly 5 months without a sale. All the money from the Kickstarter pledges obviously goes in to making the Kickstarter bits and moulds.  

Also I had the original timing of the KS fulfilment the way I had it because I have two big Shows coming up In September, Tabletop Scotland 1st & 2nd September, which we are sponsoring and Tabletop Gaming Live.  

I have already paid for the stand space and all that jazz, so if I don't go I’ll be losing the money for that, and also shows are the places we make our money to supplement the sales on the website. This puts me in a massive bind. I need to sell something to keep the cash flow going but I don't feel right selling any items that are in the KS without fulfilling them, which means currently I have no stock to sell at the shows, because everything is a Kickstarter item. So, I have a few options, and I want your help deciding what to do.  

1) Sell Items that have been available on the website before the Kickstarter, but not the new items from the Kickstarter.  

Things like the core set, which has been available in Resin since December last year, the cavern set, the large corridor tiles the compass rose tile, the magic circle tiles etc. These could be sold at full retail price because although the Kickstarter transferred them to Resin, they were not new items on the Kickstarter.  

Just to be completely clear, I would not sell anything that is new for the Kickstarter, the new crossed Hammer 4x4, the Treasure piles, the pillar sets, double door set, door set, decorative walls, the dungeon entrance, all of those new items would not be sold until the KS is fulfilled completely.  

I would also not sell anything that has not been completed for the Kickstarter. For example at the time of writing this update, i have finished casting all the cavern sets and all the Magic circles, and all the corridor and narrow corridor set casting.  These items are being painted and stored ready for when the rest of the pledge items arrive. 

I have not yet finished casting all the 5x5 magic circles needed for the Kickstarter, so at the moment they wouldn’t be going to the shows with us..  

2) Use some of the moulds I have here for things that didn't make it in to the Kickstarter, to create new items to sell. I have a few items, like the Lava tiles, Cavern Walls, L-Corner Gothic Wall, Large Patterned cross floor and a couple of floor styles like Ruined Stone and Tomb Floor as well as cobblestone and plain flagstone flooring, that didn't make the Kickstarter, but i have perfectly usable moulds here for those items, from when we cast them in plaster.  

I could cast up some of those in resin to put up on the website and to sell at the shows, and then I would also offer anyone who pledged on the Kickstarter a 20% discount on the new items, and if you were to order them before I ship your pledge I would include them in your package so you would get them at the same time.  

If I did this I would still like to sell Cracked Flagstone & Gothic Core Sets, at full retail price, as it is our main set, and anyone starting with our tile system would benefit from having access to it, and that is the reason we created it in the first place.

3) Create brand new tiles, and sets, like the Sci-fi or Sewer tiles that have nothing to do with the KS and sell those at the shows.  

This would take a lot more time than option 2, but it would separate the KS completely from anything being sold at the shows, and I wouldn't sell anything from the Kickstarter until it was finished.  

My personal preference is a mixture of option 1&2, some of the core items and some new pieces, but I would also be happy to go with option 2 (with or without the core set sales) and wait until the KS is complete before selling anything from the Kickstarter, if that's the preferred choice.  

I only have a few weeks to prepare for the first show so if you would like to respond then please do so quickly, so I can do everything I can to get over the blip that has happened because of the delay in the Kickstarter.  

You have no idea how much I appreciate the patience and support you have all shown me with this Kickstarter, and as a said, I really don't want to have to sell things before the Kickstarter is finished, but if I don't nip the issue in the bud now it could derail everything, so again thank you for your feedback so far and i look forward to hearing your opinions on the options above, and thank you for your support, it is very much appreciated!  

Normal pictures of tiles, and cool bits will resume after this I promise!  

Andy @ DMB  

Delivery from the Caster!
almost 6 years ago – Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 12:16:15 PM

Hello everyone just wanted to let you know we have had a delivery from the caster today, that included the long awaited reward sets!

We currently have 10 with more on their way later in the week!

This means once I have painted then, I can start shipping out rewards to some of you!

This is the first time I have seen the treasure piles all cast up and they are awesome, I can’t wait to paint them!

The shipment also included some more core sets, and the wooden floor sets and the resin puddle tiles as well.

More news on that later, but I’m going to sort out the delivery and take some more photos of stuff, then get in with spraying it all!


Andy @ DMB

July Update
almost 6 years ago – Sat, Jul 21, 2018 at 12:12:24 AM

Hello Everyone, I know its been almost a month since my last update, but we have been busy beavering away getting sets ready to send to you guys.  

This update has a lot of pictures in it, and a lot of text as i bring you up to date with the happenings of the past month, so bear with me while i do this.   

As you are all aware the Kickstarter was much more successful than we had already planned (I know i have said this before, but i cant say it enough thank you all very much, for your support) which meant that the mold production time was much longer than we initially anticipated. and a larger amount of product to produce.   

We where originally gig to use our awesome casters CMACS to cast everything just leaving us with the task (just he says!) of painting packing and sending everything out. 

Here are some pictures of the various Core Set pieces we have received from them so far (30 in total which is 1,925 individual tiles), and the painting stage that we are working our way through!

Freshly washed Pieces drying in the sun nearly ready for undercoating.
Freshly washed Pieces drying in the sun nearly ready for undercoating.
Undercoated and base coated pieces, nearly ready for their Quikshade coats.
Undercoated and base coated pieces, nearly ready for their Quikshade coats.
A Pile of TIles awaiting their bottom layer colors and, shading.
A Pile of TIles awaiting their bottom layer colors and, shading.

So far we have finished 21 of the 30 core sets we have, and this means that anyone who has a basic order (core sets, floor sets, starter sets etc) is ready to be sent, apart from the reward set that we are waiting on from our casters. 

The molds for some of the pieces for these needed to be remade, as the details where not quite right and rather than send you guys out inferior products we chose to remake them, a large number of these have been finished this week and they should be on their way to us early next week, which means a soon as they are here and we have painted them accordingly then we will be shipping them out to you. - I'll do another update with specifics as on as i receive the Reward sets and can work out how long it will take me to paint them to match your sets.

Here are some pictures of the samples of the reward set & other pieces that i received at the Expo in June

Wooden Floor Tales, Base Coated
Wooden Floor Tales, Base Coated
Pilalrs, Trap FLoors and Resin Puddle tiles, undercoated and ready for base coating.
Pilalrs, Trap FLoors and Resin Puddle tiles, undercoated and ready for base coating.

Casting Progress

So back to the casting, to help speed things up and help the casters out we are casting anything that requires a large amount of drop pouring, as this cant be done through the casters normal process, and there for involves a lot of time setting things up.

This covers the larger tiles like the 4x4 Pieces, 5x5 Pieces, Cavern sets and Corridor Sets, and some of the accessories we already have molds made for.

We have been beavering away at producing those as well as painting the core sets we have on hand.

Here are a few pictures of what we ave been doing for this as well.

Montage of Cast Pieces
Montage of Cast Pieces
Box of Freshly cast Tiles & Accessories
Box of Freshly cast Tiles & Accessories
Close Up of Some of the Basic Accessories
Close Up of Some of the Basic Accessories
Cavern Set & Corridor Set Molds ready for Casting
Cavern Set & Corridor Set Molds ready for Casting

 Over all Progress

We are in similar place as far as overall progress is concerned i thought we would be after the campaign had finished, apart from one major difference, I had thought by now we would have started to send out unpainted sets, and smaller pledges, but with the a that the casting has had to be approached this isn't practical.

If you remember from one of the earlier updates i said i was going to spread the load out, doing unpainted fist, then small sets then large sets then the Master of the Dungeon stuff, well it looks like now its going to be split int o two parts, All Pledges that are not Mater of the Dungeon Pledges and then Master of the Dungeon Pledges.

This obviously does mean that your having to wait longer for your sets than we first anticipated, but unfortunately we can only move as fast as the casting and painting allows us to do.

The Reward sets are going to be well worth the wait, and I cant wait to do another update when they get here, 

as always please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, or specific queries, please just keep in mind as i'm in the workshop with resin and paint all day, i don't have a computer near by so responses to emails might be a bit sporadic, but ill get to everything as soon as i cam.

If you want to see a more regular update schedule of what we are doing on a day to day basis, to make sure everything is moving along please follow us over at our various social media accounts, as its much easier to snap a picture and post a little blurb to let everyone know whats going on than it is to use the Kickstarter Update system, although we will still be sending updates out on here when we have things to update you on.

Our Social Media Pages are:


Instagram: dmbgames_uk

Twitter: @DMB_Ggames

Thank you so much everyone for being so patient and understanding and bearing with us while we get everlasting out to you as quickly as we can!

Andy @ DMB 

Core Set Sorting & fulfillment update
almost 6 years ago – Sat, Jun 23, 2018 at 07:47:57 AM

Hello Everyone, 

As I said in the last update we received the first batch of Core Sets from our Casters and here is a picture of them in all their glory all sorted by tile type.

19 Core Sets Stacked together
19 Core Sets Stacked together

There are a whopping 1235 Tiles on my workbench in this picture, and if you think that's impressive we need nearly 10 times that many core sets to fulfill the entire Kickstarter.

I now need to go through each piece and trim of any excess flash and then wash the mold release from them, then I can start undercoating them for painting.

I was going to send these out to people who asked for unpainted sets, but I am waiting on the reward sets from the casters so I thought I would get ahead of the curve and start painting some of these up so that I can fulfill a bit quicker when the other pieces start coming in.

On that note the Reward set is actually slightly bigger than i said it would be on the KS Page.

The reward pieces will be with me shortly, either next week or the week after, so although I said we would be fulfilling in June, the timeline has slipped a little due to the enormous amount of molds we had to make for all the new pieces.

So I'll be posting a few painting updates in the next couple of weeks. I was going to take next week off as it's my 40th Birthday on Thursday but I'm far to tempted to paint these instead...

Right now this update is done I'm off to light the BBQ and drink a couple of beers as its such nice weather today, and its nearly my Birthday after all :)

See you all on the flipside!

Andy @ DMB

First Delivery of Core Sets is Here!
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Jun 21, 2018 at 01:22:43 AM

Just a quick update today, We have just received our first delivery of core sets for the Kickstarter!

These will be checked and packaged up, for those of you who wanted them unpainted, and prepped for painting for the first few painted pledges.

We are just waiting on the reward packs, which should be with us shortly before these can be shipped, but we are almost ready to send out first KS pledges!

This is very exciting!

Andy @ DMB